Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gas stations Subject :
Turn Traffic Into Profits
Message :
Hello [FirstName],

Thank you very much for looking at GlobalAdShare.

Once you have read the How It Works page and the FAQ page thoroughly, I know that you will agree that this is a unique program that hasn't been seen on the Net before.

They share 100% of profits generated from sales to members! They also combined it with powerful matrix and cycler systems. There is no other program that have done this before. Please read the How It Works page thoroughly to learn the many ways to earn income from the system.

Click on my link below:
and please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time,
Roy sharpe
 Sample email to new prospects 
Subject :
Turn Traffic Into Profits
Message :
Thank you for connecting with me and recognizing the benefits for us to share marketing tips and sites directly with each other. I look forward to hearing what you are marketing.

If you are a member of Global Ad Share, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR STORY! I want to document for myself and others the success that is building with GAS.

If you haven't joined yet, SIGN UP HERE!

This is one of the first times since I have been surfing that I have found a site that I have heard ONLY GOOD THINGS about! I have had many responses from members with amazing incomes in just a few months.

I recently signed up for Global Ad Share and have been happily rewarded with money very quickly. This is one of the easiest programs I have ever joined. I am usually very conservative and was skeptical, but have been convinced it works extremely well.

Here are the easy steps to take: (NO SURFING)
Go here:
Sign up for free
Upgrade for only $15 and you will get your first ad pack OR you can just purchase the mini ad pack (which is how I started before quickly upgrading) for only $5.
They do everything else and within an hour I already started making money.
Check back often to watch your money grow.
Reinvest your profits to grow your money faster.
Promote if you want, there are some great rewards for promoting.
If you aren't already a member, I hope you join me. At least check out the site and if you have any questions, just ask.

Thank you for your time,
Roy sharpe
 Sample email to new recruits once they are verified 
Subject :
Welcome to GAS
Message :
Thank you for joining me at GlobalAdShare (GAS). I am here to support my referrals and help us all make a little more money. I don’t expect to get rich any time soon off of my little investment in GAS, but I would love to see it grow as quickly as possible.

There is very little work for you to do to begin making money with GAS except to buy your first adpack. No investment = no return. To help you make your choice, check out the experiment documented at Money for Tomorrow that shows the growth of mini adpack only account vs an upgrade only account. There is no recruiting on either account to watch the actual growth from the program. In just 8 days, the $5 account has returned $1.16 (23%) and the $15 upgrade has returned $6.25 (42%). Upgrading is proving to be much more lucrative.

THE $15 CHALLENGE: Recently, I stopped by a McDonald’s Restaurant for the first time in years and was shocked to find that a Big Mac is now $5.15. If you add French fries or a salad (to be healthier, ha-ha) and a drink, you have spent the better part of $10. A quick stop at a coffee shop can cost almost $5, just for coffee. If you add something to munch on, you spent another $10. Just going to see a movie alone is going to cost you $8 to $33, depending on how good you are at resisting the lure of popcorn aroma. I am positive we all have spent more than $15 on consumable goods or instant gratification products without even giving it a second thought.

If you don’t have it right now, totally understood and appreciated. Can you scrape together $5 extra just to buy a mini adpack? A mini adpack will get you where you want to be, it just takes time. If this is truly a problem, let me know and I will see what I can do to help you. I don’t have much, but I don’t want to leave anyone who wants this out.

Again, thank you for joining with me. We all want the same thing - to make money. We are on our way!

Welcome to GAS,
Roy sharpe

Monday, December 29, 2014

Top secret

Sample email to new prospects  Subject : Turn Traffic Into Profits Message : Hello [FirstName], Thank you very much for looking at GlobalFortune11. Once you have read the How It Works page and the FAQ page thoroughly, I know that you will agree that this is a unique program that hasn't been seen on the Net before. They have a powerful matrix and cycler systems. Please read the How It Works page thoroughly to learn the many ways to earn income from the system. Click on my link below: and please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time, Roy Sharpe    Sample email to new prospects  Subject : Turn Traffic Into Profits Message : Thank you for connecting with me and recognizing the benefits for us to share marketing tips and sites directly with each other. I look forward to hearing what you are marketing. If you are a member of GlobalFortune11, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR STORY! I want to document for myself and others the success that is building with GF11. If you haven't joined yet, SIGN UP HERE! This is one of the first times since I have been surfing that I have found a site that I have heard ONLY GOOD THINGS about! I have had many responses from members with amazing incomes in just a few months. This is one of the easiest programs I have ever joined. I am usually very conservative and was skeptical, but have been convinced it works extremely well. Here are the easy steps to take: (NO SURFING) Go here: Sign up for free. Upgrade for only $12 one time payment. Check back often to watch your money grow. Promote if you want, there are some great rewards for promoting. If you aren't already a member, I hope you join me. At least check out the site and if you have any questions, just ask. Thank you for your time, Roy Sharpe

Daily success here

Sharpebux part3

Global sharpebux part2

Sunday, December 28, 2014

sharpebux success foundations Nov 25, 2014 yes DELETE Nov 7, 2014 yes DELETE Nov 6, 2014 yes DELETE Sep 23, 2014 yes DELETE Sep 12, 2014 yes DELETE Sep 9, 2014 yes DELETE Sep 9, 2014 yes DELETE Sep 3, 2014 yes DELETE Aug 21, 2014 yes DELETE May 29, 2014 yes DELETE May 23, 2014 yes DELETE May 14, 2014 yes DELETE Apr 28, 2014 yes DELETE Apr 23, 2014 yes DELETE Apr 15, 2014 yes DELETE Apr 15, 2014 yes DELETE Apr 4, 2014 yes DELETE Jan 29, 2014 yes DELETE Jan 13, 2014 yes DELETE Nov 21, 2013 yes DELETE The Paradoxcash Rotating url is: Your Personal Rotating url is:

sharpebux blog promotions

promotional sales page!! Sales Pages are full page advertising webpages, that you can use almost anywhere by promoting the direct link url it's self, or putting the link url into traffic exchanges, search engines etc. These sales page link urls contain all your affiliate codes and if anyone clicks on anything clickable you will get the referral if they join our team. ************************** SALES PAGE!! 1, Below Is Your First Sales Page Link URL Simply copy and paste the HTML to your desired destination. It is a simple sales page straight to the point, but people will click just to see what it is and then you have got them, enjoy the first of many. ********************* BANNER SALES PAGE!! 2, This Is Your Second Salespage. It is different because it not only advertises your Paradoxcash Affiliate links but also the banners in rotation, but not just that, these are your banners, if you have banners with paradoxcash they will be rotated on this page, and they are all yours. So not only will you be advertising Paradoxcash but your other programs as well, and all in rotation. Please Note: If you have no banners in rotation a replacement banner will be shown from another member. ************************** SPLASH SALES PAGE!! 3, This Is Your Third Salespage. This is a large splash page with only a single affiliate link to attract customers to have a look for more info. ************************** Video SALES PAGE!! 4, This Is Your Fourth Salespage. This is a Video Sales page, we hope we have made a video that is both persuasive and funny at the same time, creating interest from potential members for you. ************************** Video SALES PAGE!! 5, This Is Your Fifth Salespage. This is also a Video Sales page, we hope we have made a video that is both persuasive and funny at the same time, creating interest from potential members for you. ************************** Video SALES PAGE!! 6, This Is Your Sixth Salespage. This is also a Video Sales page, we hope we have made a video that is both persuasive and funny at the same time, creating interest from potential members for you. ************************** YOUR BRANDED SALES PAGE!! 7, This Is Your seventh Salespage. This is a Branded Sales page, which means it will show your photo/avatar of you, if you have uploaded it, you can do this under the tab VIDEO MARKETING on your members menu. Do not worry if you have not as it will show my photo but you will still get the referral. ************************** YOUR $4.00 SALE, SALES PAGE!! 8, This Is Your Eighth Salespage. This is for, the new campaign we are running, for you to get new members to join your downline, and also to persuade the downline you already have to join. Take a look at the url below it is yours to advertise and is embedded with your referral urls already. **************************

paradox meters

Hello Marketeer Over 11,377 Paid Members can not be wrong. This is going to be massive. This is Huge! This is by far the biggest launch of 2014. And your timing is PERFECT! A program that will create an income for LIFE! Do not delay on this one. Take a look at the list below and tell me you can get all this for less than $10.00 a month, it's like printing money and you get $5.00 back a month for every paid referral WOW! Unlimited Banner advertising Shorten your url service Website Tracking 2 Rotators Advertising Material Video Marketing A Forum 2000 traffic hits per Month 2000 banner hits Per Month 2000 text ad hits Per Month An Auction Site a Traffic Exchange A Hosting Website A Paid To Click Website Our New eMail Marketing Autoresponder A Banner Creator A Website builder And coming soon A Traffic Reseller A Design Website And it is all free for your $10.00 a month you get pro status on everything a real bargain Go Here Now For All The Info!! To Your Success roy Email Subject 1 Email Subject 2 Email Subject 3 Your Pre Written Email Content!! Hey Friend, I hope you are prepared for an emergency wake up call to your wallet. If you have been looking for an exciting program that is both easy to use and cheap to join, then you are in for a real treat. I know you may of heard this kind of claim before but let me stop your inner voice right there. This program will completely amaze you with it's innovations to the usual garbage that is released everyday. I am really excited to be the one to show you this program. Don't settle for a second rate opportunity, go to this website today and make a clean break Take a look at the list below and tell me you can get all this for less than $10.00 a month, it's like printing money and you get $5.00 back a month for every paid referral WOW! This will start you on the road to financial FREEDOM!! Unlimited Banner advertising Shorten your url service Website Tracking 2 Rotators Advertising Material Video Marketing A Forum And we are adding as we speak and over the next two weeks 2000 traffic hits 2000 banner hits 2000 text ad hits an Auction Site a Traffic Reseller a Design Website a Paid To Click Website Our New eMail Marketing Autoresponder a conference Room Website a Hosting Company Website a WYSIWYG Website Builder And it is all free for your $10.00 a month you get pro status on everything a real bargain Best Wishes To Your Success roy Email Subject 1 Email Subject 2 Email Subject 3 Your Pre Written Email Content!! Hey Friend, If you are like me you get sick and tired of all this bull on the net, so when I visited the link below I was totally gob smacked Firstly it's a cheap just $10,00 a month to join, the admin answer your emails, un herd of! And you get a guaranteed income. Don't settle for a second rate opportunity, go to this website today and make a clean break Just $10.00 a month, will start you on the road to financial FREEDOM!! This program is taking the internet world by storm and you need to get in out of the rain. To Your Success roy Email Subject 1 Email Subject 2 Email Subject 3 Your Pre Written Email Content!! Very few people get something for nothing online today. It is a fact of life and despite all the hype and bull that you may read on many programs out there, to be successful online, you need a program that you can sell! Is one such program!! No hype or bull. Just straight talking easy to read instructions. It is so easy to make money AND CREATE YOUR INCOME FOR LIFE!! Don't delay! Join in the number one team for the number one program and start achieving your financial goals and online success. Thank you for your time roy

sharpebux top tier mailers">

dream success Downline Builder Splash Pages Video Splash Pages

sharpebux safelist blog Downline Builder Splash Pages Video Splash Pages "Do It Yourself" Splash Pages If you have an upgraded Adkreator membership you can import Mister Safelist templates to create your own unique splash pages. Enter the share codes below inside Adkreator on the "Share Design" page. Regular Splash Page - Share Code: 33EAE33330 Video Splash Page - Share Code: 291BFECE60 Twitter need fast free and edde email adv.. heck out misters Email Ads Subject: Subject: Subject: Subject: Subject: Banner Ads 120X60 Banner 1 120X90 Banner 2 125X125 Banner 3 250X250 Banner 4

fast action

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Join me on tsū, they are sharing social revenues with all of us #tsunation

Monday, December 22, 2014

Public income right here

Turn Traffic Into Profits
Message :
Hello [FirstName],

Thank you very much for looking at GlobalFortune11.

Once you have read the How It Works page and the FAQ page thoroughly, I know that you will agree that this is a unique program that hasn't been seen on the Net before.

They have a powerful matrix and cycler systems. Please read the How It Works page thoroughly to learn the many ways to earn income from the system.

Click on my link below:
and please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time,
Roy Sharpe

Copy and share this link:

Join me on tsū, they are sharing social revenues with all of us #tsunation

Grounds for success

Copy and share this link:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

F ace book no tsu cash better

Join me on tsū, they are sharing social revenues with all of us #tsunation

Income made easy better than facebook

Join me on tsū, they are sharing social revenues with all of us #tsunation

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

6 minutes too skinny drop off

Cure gas,ingestion,stomach

Power brain formulaz

Erase cronic pain

High conversion rate epc

Income multiplyer

Click bank makers work for you

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tsu nation

Join me on tsū, they are sharing social revenues with all of us #tsunation

Friday, December 5, 2014

break through system great job sharpebux thats me
125x125 Banners

golden nugget

great wealth link

The Daily Cycler is here! Please click Learn More for details.
The Daily Cycler is here!

The Daily Cycler is available to all members (free and upgraded).

The Daily cycler costs only $4.00 (one-time payment) and pays $12.00 (300%) upon a complete cycle. There is no re-entry to the Daily cycler but members can buy one entry (Level 1) position a day.

The Daily cycler is a 5-level cycler:

Daily Level 1 (2x1)
-$2.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in Daily Level 2

Daily Level 2 (2x1)
-$2.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in Daily Level 3

Daily Level 3 (2x1)
-$2.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in Daily Level 4

Daily Level 4 (2x1)
-$2.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in Daily Level 5

Daily Level 5 (2x1)
-$4.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-$1.00 goes to a member with the LEAST earnings
Nov 15, 2014 : The SUB Cycler
The SUB Cycler is here! Please click Learn More for details.
The SUB Cycler is here!

For those who want to earn more and on a CONTINUOUS basis regardless of program growth, we have an optional monthly subscription. For only $6 a month, you will receive 10,000 advertising credits and one position per month in the SUB cycler which pays $20.00 (over 300%) upon a complete cycle. With re-entries (upon completion of level 4) and one new position every month (comes with the subscription), the SUB cycler will continue to grow and the income potential is UNLIMITED.

Only UPGRADED MEMBERS can purchase the SUB cycler. If you are not upgraded, this is the best time to upgrade your account.

As promised, newer members (those who make less) will be able to purchase it first. 

Starting November 19, all members who have a total (lifetime) earnings of less than $12 (not in profit) can purchase the SUB cycler. Since it is a subscription, you must make the purchase with a payment processor. You can only purchase one SUB cycler.

Starting November 20, all members who have a total (lifetime) earnings of less than $24 can purchase the SUB cycler. You can only purchase one SUB cycler.

Starting November 21, everyone can purchase the SUB cycler. You can only purchase one SUB cycler.

If you are not in profit, this is your chance to get in the SUB cycler early so your first position will be in the system ahead of those members who are already in profit. Please do not miss this opportunity.

The SUB cycler is a 5-level cycler:

SUB Level 1 (2x1)
-$2.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in SUB Level 2

SUB Level 2 (2x1)
-$3.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in SUB Level 3

SUB Level 3 (2x1)
-$4.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in SUB Level 4

SUB Level 4 (2x1)
-$5.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in SUB Level 1
-one new position in SUB Level 5

SUB Level 5 (2x1)
-$6.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-$1.00 goes to a member with the LEAST earnings

global profits

Testimonials Page:
Landing Pages :View page
View page
View page
View page
Your Sponsor:Leonides Sumayan (lesumm139)

we all share advertising and profits here, welcome to all new members.

The Daily Cycler is here!

If you are upgraded and your earning is still $0, you are able to purchase the Daily Cycler now. This is your chance to get in the cycler early before other members. With company forced cyclers, the sooner you enter, the sooner you will earn.

The Daily cycler costs only $4.00 (one-time payment) and pays $12.00 (300%) upon a complete cycle. There is no re-entry to the Daily cycler but members can buy one entry (Level 1) position a day.

*** At this time you can only buy ONE position. Once the option to buy is available to all members, everyone can buy one entry (level 1) position a day.

Daily Level 1 (2x1)
-$2.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in Daily Level 2

Daily Level 2 (2x1)
-$2.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in Daily Level 3

Daily Level 3 (2x1)
-$2.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in Daily Level 4

Daily Level 4 (2x1)
-$2.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-one new position in Daily Level 5

Daily Level 5 (2x1)
-$4.00 goes to CASH BALANCE
-$1.00 goes to a member with the LEAST earnings

If you have not upgraded your account yet, this is the time to do it and then purchase the Daily Cycler immediately. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme (they do not exist), but with time and patience, you can earn a substantial amount of money from our program.

Please read the NEWS section (below the left-side menu) for the latest program updates. Thank you.

Admin Team

Your referral link:

i started the cash project here join me.
Hey Friend,

If you are like me you get sick and tired of all this
bull on the net, so when I visited the link below I was
totally gob smacked

Firstly it's a cheap just $10,00 a month to join, the admin answer your emails, un herd of! And you get a guaranteed income.
Don't settle for a second rate opportunity, go to this website today and make a clean break

Just $10.00 a month, will start you on the road to financial FREEDOM!!

This PROGRAM is taking the internet world by storm
and you need to get in out of the rain.
To Your Success

paradox cash jump right in great future here   
This Is Your Sixth Salespage.This is also a Video Sales page, we hope we have made a video that is both persuasive and funny at the same time, creating interest from potential members for you.

This Is Your seventh Salespage.This is a Branded Sales page, which means it will show your
photo/avatar of you, if you have uploaded it, you can do this
under the tab VIDEO MARKETING on your members menu.
Do not worry if you have not as it will show my photo
but you will still get the referral.

This Is Your Eighth Salespage.This is for, the new campaign we are running, for you to get new members to join your downline, and also to persuade the downline you already have to join.
Take a look at the url below it is yours to advertise and is embedded
with your referral urls already.


next to the pandoras box

Sample email to new prospects  Subject : Turn Traffic Into Profits Message : Hello [FirstName], Thank you very much for looking at GlobalFortune11. Once you have read the How It Works page and the FAQ page thoroughly, I know that you will agree that this is a unique program that hasn't been seen on the Net before. They have a powerful matrix and cycler systems. Please read the How It Works page thoroughly to learn the many ways to earn income from the system. Click on my link below: and please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time, Roy Sharpe    Sample email to new prospects  Subject : Turn Traffic Into Profits Message : Thank you for connecting with me and recognizing the benefits for us to share marketing tips and sites directly with each other. I look forward to hearing what you are marketing. If you are a member of GlobalFortune11, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR STORY! I want to document for myself and others the success that is building with GF11. If you haven't joined yet, SIGN UP HERE! This is one of the first times since I have been surfing that I have found a site that I have heard ONLY GOOD THINGS about! I have had many responses from members with amazing incomes in just a few months. This is one of the easiest programs I have ever joined. I am usually very conservative and was skeptical, but have been convinced it works extremely well. Here are the easy steps to take: (NO SURFING) Go here: Sign up for free. Upgrade for only $12 one time payment. Check back often to watch your money grow. Promote if you want, there are some great rewards for promoting. If you aren't already a member, I hope you join me. At least check out the site and if you have any questions, just ask. Thank you for your time, Roy Sharpe

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></a> Sample email to new prospects 
Subject :
Turn Traffic Into Profits
Message :
Hello [FirstName],

Thank you very much for looking at GlobalFortune11.

Once you have read the How It Works page and the FAQ page thoroughly, I know that you will agree that this is a unique program that hasn't been seen on the Net before.

They have a powerful matrix and cycler systems. Please read the How It Works page thoroughly to learn the many ways to earn income from the system.

Click on my link below:
and please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time,
Roy Sharpe
 Sample email to new prospects 
Subject :
Turn Traffic Into Profits
Message :
Thank you for connecting with me and recognizing the benefits for us to share marketing tips and sites directly with each other. I look forward to hearing what you are marketing.

If you are a member of GlobalFortune11, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR STORY! I want to document for myself and others the success that is building with GF11.

If you haven't joined yet, SIGN UP HERE!

This is one of the first times since I have been surfing that I have found a site that I have heard ONLY GOOD THINGS about! I have had many responses from members with amazing incomes in just a few months.

This is one of the easiest programs I have ever joined. I am usually very conservative and was skeptical, but have been convinced it works extremely well.

Here are the easy steps to take: (NO SURFING)
Go here:
Sign up for free.
Upgrade for only $12 one time payment.
Check back often to watch your money grow.
Promote if you want, there are some great rewards for promoting.
If you aren't already a member, I hope you join me. At least check out the site and if you have any questions, just ask.

Thank you for your time,
Roy Sharpe

the hard work was done step right in profits  **JUST LAUNCHED***

New Opportunity has arrived. Be the first to join. Xtreme Pro System is the newest PROGRAM on the internet. Have the opportunity to earn $300 every time your $45 position cycles out. Great Products and Services. 

Do not miss out on this. Many are going to join our PROGRAM. Do not miss this opportunity. 

Contact me 

Roy Sharpe

extreme fortunes

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sample email to new prospects  Subject : Turn Traffic Into Profits Message : Hello [FirstName], Thank you very much for looking at GlobalFortune11. Once you have read the How It Works page and the FAQ page thoroughly, I know that you will agree that this is a unique program that hasn't been seen on the Net before. They have a powerful matrix and cycler systems. Please read the How It Works page thoroughly to learn the many ways to earn income from the system. Click on my link below: and please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time, Roy Sharpe    Sample email to new prospects  Subject : Turn Traffic Into Profits Message : Thank you for connecting with me and recognizing the benefits for us to share marketing tips and sites directly with each other. I look forward to hearing what you are marketing. If you are a member of GlobalFortune11, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR STORY! I want to document for myself and others the success that is building with GF11. If you haven't joined yet, SIGN UP HERE! This is one of the first times since I have been surfing that I have found a site that I have heard ONLY GOOD THINGS about! I have had many responses from members with amazing incomes in just a few months. This is one of the easiest programs I have ever joined. I am usually very conservative and was skeptical, but have been convinced it works extremely well. Here are the easy steps to take: (NO SURFING) Go here: Sign up for free. Upgrade for only $12 one time payment. Check back often to watch your money grow. Promote if you want, there are some great rewards for promoting. If you aren't already a member, I hope you join me. At least check out the site and if you have any questions, just ask. Thank you for your time, Roy Sharpe

Great success here profit come daily.