Sunday, January 4, 2015

New age profit system

Sample email to new prospects 
Subject :
Turn Traffic Into Profits
Message :
Hello [FirstName],

Thank you very much for looking at GlobalFortune11.

Once you have read the How It Works page and the FAQ page thoroughly, I know that you will agree that this is a unique program that hasn't been seen on the Net before.

They have a powerful matrix and cycler systems. Please read the How It Works page thoroughly to learn the many ways to earn income from the system.

Click on my link below:
and please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time,
Roy Sharpe
 Sample email to new prospects 
Subject :
Turn Traffic Into Profits
Message :
Thank you for connecting with me and recognizing the benefits for us to share marketing tips and sites directly with each other. I look forward to hearing what you are marketing.

If you are a member of GlobalFortune11, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR STORY! I want to document for myself and others the success that is building with GF11.

If you haven't joined yet, SIGN UP HERE!

This is one of the first times since I have been surfing that I have found a site that I have heard ONLY GOOD THINGS about! I have had many responses from members with amazing incomes in just a few months.

This is one of the easiest programs I have ever joined. I am usually very conservative and was skeptical, but have been convinced it works extremely well.

Here are the easy steps to take: (NO SURFING)
Go here:
Sign up for free.
Upgrade for only $12 one time payment.
Check back often to watch your money grow.
Promote if you want, there are some great rewards for promoting.
If you aren't already a member, I hope you join me. At least check out the site and if you have any questions, just ask.

Thank you for your time,
Roy Sharpe

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